
登录退出关机和重启Login Exit Shutdown Restart
获取帮助Get help
文本编辑器Text editor
目录和文件操作Directory and file operations
显示文本文件内容Display text file content
文件处理File processing
字符串及文件和命令查找String and file and command lookup
日期和时间Date and time
数字计算Number calculation
Shell相关Shell related
Shell编程Shell programming
程序编译Program compilation
用户和群组管理User and group management
显示登录用户Show login user
文件及目录权限和属性File and directory permissions attributes
归档与压缩Archiving and compression
软件包管理Package management
磁盘分区Disk partition
文件系统管理File system management
磁盘配额Disk quota
LVM和RAID管理LVM and RAID management
进程和服务管理Process and service management
任务计划Mission plan
备份与还原Backup and restore
模块和内核管理Module and kernel management
日志管理Log management
硬件管理Hardware management
SELinux管理SELinux management
审计系统Audit system
设备管理Equipment management
性能监控Performance monitoring
X WindowX Window
打印和传真Print and fax
密码和证书管理Password and certificate management
Linux系统故障排错linux System troubleshooting
网络命令Network command
网络安全Cyber security
网络客户端Network client
MySQL数据库MySQL database
PostgreSQL数据库PostgreSQL database
iptables和arptables防火墙iptables arptables firewall
PPPoE配置PPPoE configuration
服务器配置Server configuration